After a few years waiting out covid and trying to find a new venue NCTOYCON makes its much anticipated return at the Durham Armory September 30th 2023! More details to come, be sure to follow our social channels so you don’t miss a thing!
After a few years waiting out covid and trying to find a new venue NCTOYCON makes its much anticipated return at the Durham Armory September 30th 2023! More details to come, be sure to follow our social channels so you don’t miss a thing!
Hey everyone! Unfortunately our venue is still closed and won’t be open for our Sept 12th show. At this point we’re going to call it quits for our 2020 show. We are currently working on securing our dates for 2021. We’re trying to find a spot in the Fall of ’21 when we hope conventions will be able to happen. For any vendor or attendee we can give you a full refund, or we can reserve your spot for the 2021 show.
We know this is a bummer, trust us we are very bummed as well. But we promise to come back strong when its safe for everyone to attend!
Save the date! On March 21st NCTOYCON returns for their 2020 show. This will again be located at the Marbles IMAX theater and Kids Museum. Tickets for the show will go live in the new year and toy dealers can start signing up now!
We will have special guests and panelists returning and some new guests as well. All in all NCTOYCON 2020 looks to keep growing the Triangles biggest convention for toy and action figure enthusiasts!
The Best Toy Convention in North Carolina is Happening on April 6
NC TOY CON will be held in conjunction with the IMAX opening of Shazam!
Raleigh, NC: The best toy convention in North Carolina is happening at Marble’s IMAX on Saturday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“We are so excited about this show and our partnership with the Marbles IMAX,” said co-creator Jay Glatfelter. “We have some of the best local toy dealers lined up, some pretty spectacular panelists, and great ticket packages with options for attending the show, Marbles’ Kids Museum, and IMAX screenings of Shazam!”
NC TOY CON will feature an all-star lineup of special guests and panelists, including popular YouTube stars Dan Larson of “Toy Galaxy” and Michael French of “Retroblasting,” as well as Michael Eury, the editor-in-chief of Back Issue! and RetroFan magazines, and Blake Wright, the author of “Toys That Time Forgot.” More than 40 prominent toy dealers will set up tables at NC TOY CON, including Crowemag Toys, Ultimate Comics, and James O’Brient’s Turbines to Speed.
NC TOY CON is partnering with Marbles to give attendees the option of also visiting the Kids’ Museum or seeing Shazam! in IMAX. Ticket packages run between $5 and $18 and can be found on EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nctoycon-the-best-toy-show-in-the-triangle-tickets-55790709514).
About NC TOY CON: NC TOY CON is a toy and action figure-focused convention that brings together the best toy dealers in North Carolina and features some of the top experts in the hobby to lead informative panels on the hobby of toy & action figure collecting.#
That’s No Moon Productions and Product are either registered trademarks or trademarks of That’s No Moon Productions. For more information, please contact Jay Glatfelter at (919) 662-6665 or John Lebel (508) 981-2897.
Hey Everyone!
This is a announcement and reminder that tickets for our next amazing show will go on sale Monday February 4th the Day after the super bowl! Dealers sign up for tables now on our dealer registration tab at the top of this website.
If dealers or attendees have any questions please feel free to email us nctoycon@gmail.com
We are so excited about this show with our new location and partnership with the Marbles IMAX theater and kids museum in downtown Raleigh. Our ticket packages are going to be awesome with Shazam premiere weekend movie tickets and well as tickets for the best kids museum in the triangle ( and probably the state). We also have some special toy related guests planned and we’ll be excited to announce them soon!
We’re only a couple days away from the Fall ’18 NCTOYCON! Today’s dealer profile features a new vendor for us and we’re really excited to have them at our show. Kapow! Comics and Toy’s has a great mix of vintage and modern toys and their bringing what might be one of the coolest items of the weekend, a beautiful Ride on Battle Cat!
He’s going to have a great setup and be sure to check what he has!
Remember the show is this Saturday at the Crabtree Valley Hampton Inn and Suites from 9am-5pm!
At our show this Saturday we will be raffling off 2 awesome door prizes to anyone that pays for a ticket! We will be raffling off these prizes at 2 different times during the show. The first raffle will be at 1pm and we will be giving away an awesome Transformers Titan’s Return Trypticon!
The 2nd item we will be giving away at 3pm is an awesome R2D2 cooler that was exclusive for retailers and not available to the general public. It’s an awesome collectors item and a must for any hard core Star Wars fan!
When you arrive with your printed out ticket from eventbrite, or purchase your ticket at the door you will receive a raffle ticket per admission ticket. We will pick from the pool of these tickets at random at the 1pm and 3pm time slots. If your ticket doesn’t get called at 1pm you’ll still have a chance for the 3pm raffle!
Remember the show is this Saturday from 9-5 at the Crabtree Valley Hampton Inn and Suites!
Hey everyone!
We are less than a week away from the Fall NCTOYCON and we are going to continue the tradition of featuring dealers and what they’re going to bring this Saturday. We will be doing these posts all this week leading up to October 20th at the Crabtree Valley Hampton Inn and Suites from 9am-5pm!
Our first profile features James and Cindy of “The Monster Guys”. They set up at our first show and have set up at various toy shows throughout the state for many years. They always have a great selection of monster and kaiju based figures from many different eras and they have been saving some of their best stuff for this show!
Below are some of the pictures of what they plan to bring:
We are almost a week away from our fall NCTOYCON on October 20th! One new experience at this show is going to be a BAF Parts Swap led by James O’Briant from Turbines to Speed.
It will take place near the entrance to event at 2pm. Bring your spare BAF parts and trade with others to complete that Build A Figure thats been missing pieces for too long. Here are some of the pieces that James will be bringing to trade.
This should be a fun activity at the show and be a chance for different people in our toy collecting community to come together and complete their Build-A-Figures!
We’re 3 weeks out from our Fall NCTOYCON on October 20th and we’re getting excited. John and Jay have a video update on location at the Hampton Inn and Suites at Crabtree Valley Mall.